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Bench strength for strategic planning, project management, advisory services and interim leadership.

Fractional CIO

Small and mid-sized companies face many of the same complex technical decisions as large fortune 500 enterprises. Critical operating performance and strategic competitive advantage increasingly rely on technology that can make or break a company’s future. Having access to an expert CIO on a part-time basis eliminates the high cost and risk associated with recruiting a full-time executive. By using a fractional CIO, company leaders and managers can still have ready access to an experienced CIO for critical decisions and planning.

Fractional CIO

Assessments & Roadmaps

Assessing the current state of your IT will allow you to identify and solve issues that might be standing in the way of achieving your business objectives. With a clear understanding of the current state and the desired future state, roadmaps that balance resources among near term fixes, medium term value creation, and long-term growth can be developed and managed. This assessment is modeled after the process used by private equity investors to evaluate target companies. Your company deserves the same detailed review before investors come knocking.

Assessments & Roadmaps

Project Management

IT leaders often do not have adequate full-time staff to manage the many critical initiatives facing them. Internal employees, who also run your day to day business, do not always have capacity to drive the many important projects the business demands from them. Bringing in an experienced project leader to focus on special initiatives will ensure that you achieve the desired results in an accelerated time frame.

Project Leadership

Advisory Services

Leaders need to hear how complex issues are solved outside the walls of their own companies and industries. Relying on vendors who have vested interests in outcomes can lead to biased decision making. Unlike industry vendors, independent advisors from CIO Services have no financial interest in specific decisions. They are focused on your success and in helping you make the best possible decisions by using their cross-industry experience and functional expertise.

Interim CIO

Filling leadership vacancies and making organizational changes are critical decisions that require thoughtful consideration, diligent processes, and often more time than expected. Prolonged uncertainty around organizational change can cause delays in important projects, cultural anxiety, and additional staff losses. You can avoid this disruption. Having an experienced leader temporarily fill a position will keep your organization running smoothly and signal to your employees that you are committed to taking the time needed to find a new leader who is a good long-term fit.

Interim CIO
Advisory Services

Execution Resources

Assembling the many technical competencies required to create the best technical ecosystem for your company requires a team approach. No one company has it all, they cannot possibly be experts in everything. CIO services has worked with partners across a broad range of specialties. They have proven their expertise and their ability to deliver value. Tapping into this network of best in class vendors can accelerate your projects from managed services, cloud migration, security, data analytics, and digital marketing, to web and mobile development.

Execution Resources

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