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  • Kevin Malover

Companies Turn to "On Demand" CIOs

Most Businesses Need a Chief Information Officer, but not Full-Time

Small and mid-sized companies face many of the same complex technical decisions as large fortune 500 enterprises. Critical operating performance and strategic competitive advantage increasingly rely on technology that can make or break your company’s future.

Experienced Full-Time CIOs are Expensive

Mid-sized companies rarely allocate the funds for experienced CIO positions that are critical to strategic technology decision-making. There are good reasons for this. CIOs with the necessary skills are expensive and making hiring mistakes at this executive level is expensive too.

An Underutilized CIO may be a Flight Risk

Once onboard a new CIO in a midsized company may find the strategic work they are most qualified to do is short lived or cyclical based on planning cycles or the irregular frequency of launching strategic initiates. The execution work between cycles and planning is often best handled by company leaders and managers who specialize in the blocking and tackling needed for day-to-day operations and project management. An underutilized strategic CIO may be a flight risk.

Going it Alone is Risky

Making strategic technology decisions without calling on the most qualified resources available puts businesses at risk. Relying on vendors who have vested interests leads to sub-optimum results as well. So who can you turn to?

A CIO On Demand Provides Expertise at a Fraction of the Cost

Having access to a part-time CIO eliminates the costs and risks associated with a full-time executive position in midsized companies. Executives, company leaders, and managers can have ready access to the deep experience and guidance they need for critical decisions and planning. A CIO with decades of strategic decision-making experience can act as a CIO “On Demand” for your business.

Contact me via email to discuss how you can take advantage of this very efficient model.

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