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  • Kevin Malover

Don't Go Leaderless When The Unexpected Happens

An Interim CIO Reduces Disruption on your Way to a Permanent Hire

Sudden and even planned departures of your top IT leader can disrupt plans for initiatives that your business is counting on. Putting those plans on hold while you search for a replacement causes delays that negatively impact your business. You can avoid this disruption by immediately plugging in an interim IT leader with broad experience and a laser focus on providing the leadership bridge you need.

Reduce Organizational Uncertainty and Avoid Additional Personnel Losses

A leadership vacancy creates uncertainty for employees and hiring a replacement can take longer than expected. This prolonged uncertainty can lead to further staff losses as highly sought-after technology employees flee to more stable conditions. Experienced interim leaders are experts at coaching employees and providing stability. Their presence is a signal to employees that your company is committed to taking the time needed to find a new leader who is a good long-term fit.

Make Progress While You Search for the Best Candidate

Experienced interim leaders have broad backgrounds in the strategic initiatives you are likely pursuing including digital transformation, cloud migration, systems integration, security, team building, and coaching. An interim leader will help you recruit your permanent hire. They have firsthand knowledge of what to look for to ensure a good fit. When you hire your candidate, your interim leader will provide a smooth on-boarding process that abrupt departures rarely afford.

Keep Calm and Carry On

Don’t let sudden departures or organizational gaps slow you down. Contact me via email now to find out if an interim CIO is right for you.

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