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  • Kevin Malover

Make a Better Impression When You Onboard Employees

Simplify IT for New Employees

Most jobs today rely heavily on technology and communication services. You can make a fantastic first impression on new employees with a well-written guide to your Information Services. Too many onboarding experiences rely on cobbled together documentation describing the essential services that employees need. It’s easy for new employees to be confused by it all as you point a fire hose of new information in their direction.

Clear up Confusion, Reduce Stress, and Communicate Guidelines

Providing a simple guidebook reduces confusion and stress for new employees with the added benefit of leading them down a clear path to understanding your rules of the road. Companies have security, compliance and purchasing guidelines that influence the tech that employees can use for file-sharing, collaboration, and communication. Letting employees know about your approved alternatives right away will help keep your data safe and secure.

Print is Not Dead

Yes, everything should be available on your intranet or on the wallet-sized card you may provide, but the reality is that multiple form factors are needed to accommodate the many circumstances where employees need help. A small booklet on a desk or in a briefcase can eliminate frustrating delays when employees need secure remote access, conference services or application instructions.

It's no Small Task, so Plan Your Resources

Don’t underestimate the effort it takes to create a great IT services guide. Writing clear and concise documentation is a specialized skill. Long, verbose documents that explain things in great detail rarely get used. Take a look at how companies like Apple create documentation, the fewer words the better.

Jump Start Your Effort with a Free Template

Use this link to download a free template for your IT Services Booklet. Modify it, make it your own, then make a great impression!

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