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  • Kevin Malover

Don't be Afraid of Product Selection Decisions

Download a Free Request for Proposal (RFP) Template to get Started

Running a process to select a product or vendor is not the most exciting way to spend your day. Sometimes the decision is easy. When the stakes are low, and you know the area well, a quick scan of the alternatives may be all it takes. But when the stakes are high, and the decision is complex, you need a good process to reduce your risk and make the decision less daunting.

A Good Selection Process Reduces Risk by Avoiding These Pitfalls

Vendor pitches that describe perfect solutions with seamless implementation claims are tempting compared to the alternative of running what some would say is a tedious RFP process. Even trusted personal relationships that are invaluable in opening doors can cloud decision making when the stakes are high. Protect yourself and your company with a well thought out product and vendor selection process.

Get the Facts to Make the Best Decision and Get the Best Deal

A good selection process creates a competitive environment that puts vendors on notice to bring their “A” Game and their best pricing to the table. Use this opportunity to challenge them with tough questions. Put them in writing to avoid ambiguity. By digging deep during the discovery period, you will get critical insights that can lead to surprising and beneficial outcomes.

Jump Start Your Effort with a Free Template - It’s Not so Scary After All

Use this link to download an RFP template for selecting an IT managed service provider. You can use it as a model for your own RFPs.

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