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  • Kevin Malover

Companies Need Digital Roadmaps Now

Roadmaps Have Measurable Returns

A Capgemini study found that digitally mature companies have 9% more revenue and are 26% more profitable than their counterparts. The path to maturity should be managed carefully with a proven methodology to achieve the desired returns in the shortest time frame with the least amount of risk.

Less Than 1/3 of Companies Have Roadmaps

People who write down their goals are 40% more likely to achieve them, yet only 29% of companies have multi-year digital roadmaps. A written digital roadmap will dramatically improve the likelihood of achieving your objectives.

Roadmaps Built Through Collaboration Succeed

Engaging stakeholders in the process of building your roadmap leads to a higher level of adoption. Creating a collaborative environment can be facilitated using a roadmapping methodology. A roadmap makes your digital intentions crystal clear, the process that produces the roadmap builds the consensus and alignment you need to succeed.

Adopt a Roadmap Process to Improve Outcomes

Even if you already have a roadmap, you can benefit from a process that refreshes it on a regular basis. A successful roadmap process is flexible to accommodate changing conditions, inclusive to ensure stakeholder alignment and repeatable to promote regular dialogue and understanding.

Don’t Start 2019 Without a Roadmap

Now is the time to prepare your digital roadmap for 2019 and beyond. Schedule a time to learn more about the tools, templates, and process that will guide you in developing your best roadmap yet.

© 2019 CIO Services LLC

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